
Is Alpha and Beta Testing Necessary For The Company?

Every organization performs a series of tests to ensure that a product is ready for release before launching it. These tests are required to ensure that a product does everything it is supposed to and delivers a quality user experience. User Acceptance Testing includes two necessary testing – Alpha and Beta testing. After the Product…

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Why Apply Kubernetes To Transform The Business

Kubernetes has gained massive popularity since its release for being an open-source platform that focuses on managing containerized applications. K8s helps businesses drive digital transformations by improving the efficiency of deploying, scaling, and managing applications. Kubernetes management tools automate resource allocation and load balancing across containers, enabling container delivery and improving performance. It offers an…

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Understand DevSecOps and how it works?

Introduction:DevSecOps is an abbreviated term for Development, Security and Operations. To help an organization eliminate risk and achieve its IT and business objectives, it introduces security early in the software and application development lifecycle. As a result, both developers and operations staff care about security from the beginning. DevSecOps refers to a subset of DevOps…

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Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Infrastructure!

Are you and your organization starting your journey towards digital transformation yet having doubts? Today, we discuss the significant takeaways, what precisely the term Cloud Native is and the critical capabilities of a Cloud platform. So let’s start with a brief introduction and history of cloud-native and its establishment. What is Cloud Native and Its History?…

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What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform. It was initially developed by Google in 2014 for the automation, deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. This is backed up by major companies like Google, AWS, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and Cisco. Additionally, it has now established itself as the standard for the project run by Cloud…

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Let’s answer the question you are here for: What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps is an abbreviated word for development, security, and operations in the simplest terms. Its main scope is to hold everyone accountable to apply security decisions and actions in the same proportion and speed as decisions and actions for development and performance. DevSecOps represents…

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