DevOps Roadmaps

DevOps Roadmap- A Step by Step Guide to Master DevOps

According to the study by IDC, the DevOps market is expected to expand from $ 2.9 billion to $8 billion by 2022. 
As stated by Glassdoor, the average DevOps engineer compensation is $103,253 annually.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, IT jobs are anticipated to grow 13% between 2020 and 2030.


These statistics are eye-popping, isn’t it? The future of DevOps appears very promising. 

To put things into perspective, DevOps Engineer is one of the most in-demand and well-paid jobs. Moreover, DevOps is a challenging profession that demands a diverse skill set, extensive expertise, and understanding.

If you are considering a career in DevOps, now is the time to develop these increasingly crucial skills.

Some of you may be familiar with DevOps, while others may have no clue about what’s going on here. So before moving further, let’s see some basics. 


What is DevOps; Who is a DevOps Engineer?


DevOps simply refers to processes that combine tools to reduce the system development life cycle and enable continuous delivery and scalability. A DevOps Engineer is an IT professional with a comprehensive understanding of the software development lifecycle and creates pipelines to manage deployment and other operations.

The question is, how do you get started as a DevOps engineer? Let’s get started with the complete roadmap and learn about the procedures essential to becoming a DevOps Engineer.


DevOps RoadMap for Developers

This roadmap has various topics and tools to help you get started on your adventure. Let’s go through each of the significant steps in this roadmap one by one.

1- Learn a Programming Language

Knowing a programming language is a fundamental skill for becoming a DevOps engineer. Although you will not typically be writing source code, you will be incorporating databases, debugging code from the development team, and automating the development and deployment process, all of which need a Dev engineer to be competent in programming or scripting language.

Furthermore, programming languages are fundamental for a productive Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process. A DevOps engineer should have some programming language basics that their team uses to help them understand existing code, review new code, and assist with debugging.

So, get started with learning one of the programming languages listed below:

It does not matter what language you choose, but it is important to master at least one. You will be able to use that language to write automation scripts. 

2-  Get Familiar with OS and OS Concepts

Proficiency with operating systems and familiarity with OS notions are pivotal to embarking on a career as a DevOps engineer. Most of the time, Linux is highly suggested to master since many businesses employ it as an OS for their system.

You don’t need to be a Linux (or any other OS) wizard, a fundamental understanding of the operating system is required for better outcomes. Also, you need to be conversant with relevant OS concepts such as Process Management, I/O Management, Threads and Concurrency, Memory Management, Sockets, POSIX,  and so forth.  

 3-  Learn to Live in Terminal

As a DevOps engineer, you must have command over the terminal, notably if you’re dealing with Linux or Unix. Developers automate and complete processes on a system without using a graphical user interface (GUI) with the help of a terminal, which is often referred to as the console or command line.

Developers utilize terminals, also known as the console or command lines, to automate and execute processes on a system without the use of a graphical user interface (GUI). 

You can get started  to learn to live in the terminal with:

  • Bash Scripting
  • Vim/ Nano/Emacs/Powershell
  • Process Monitoring
  • System Performance
  • Network Tools

 4- Networking, Security, and Protocols

Since the days of data isolation are over, you need to ensure the integrity and security of data that transfer over the network. A DevOps expert must safeguard the network from unauthorized access and maintain safety at all phases, including development, testing, and deployments.

So it becomes mandatory for DevOps engineers to have knowledge of networking, security, and protocol concepts such as HTTP, FTP, SSL/TLS, SMTP, Port forwarding, SPD, DMARC, and so on to manage the IT workflow.

 5- Knowledge of Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code is the practice of managing networks, virtual machines, load balancers, and connection topology in a descriptive model using code or configuration files rather than manually. IaC in DevOps promotes agility, scalability, and a shorter development life cycle.

 As a DevOps expert, you must comprehend containers such as Docker and Kubernetes; Configuration management tools such as Ansible, Chef, Salt, and Puppet; Infrastructure Provisioning such as Pulumi, CloudFormation, AWS CDK so on; and Service Mesh such as Istio, Envoy so on.

 6- Learn Some CI/CD Tools

If you’re a DevOps engineer, you need to implement and manage CI/CD pipelines for faster application testing, build and release quality for faster feature releases, and more. There are several tools available for CI/CD; you can learn which are listed below:

  • Jenkins
  • Gitlab CI
  • Bamboo
  • Drone
  • Travis CI
  • GitHub Actions

 7- Knowing Software and Infrastructure Monitoring

Setup and deployment are not just crucial aspects of the DevOps job; monitoring is also an essential aspect of DevOps. You may optimize performance and rectify bugs by recognizing areas of concern by monitoring the operation of software and infrastructure.

The tools used for monitoring infrastructure include Prometheus, Nagios, Grafana, Datadog, Monit, and Zabbix. Popular tools for application monitoring are Jaeger, NewRelic, AppDynamics, Instana, OpenTracing, and others.

 8- Cloud Provider and Services

Most companies – if not all- have migrated to the cloud to host their application. Cloud computing offers many benefits, including cost savings, scalability, and accessibility. 

Naturally, it becomes a crucial thing for DevOps practitioners to learn at least some of the popular Cloud Services and Providers and their basics.

AWS is indisputably the market leader in cloud computing, but other providers, such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Linide, and others, are also highly competitive. 

You don’t need to be a cloud geek, but you need to be able to deploy the application in the cloud using any one of these cloud service providers.

Start Your DevOps Quest

You may be anxious since there are so many concepts and skills to master, but you should not be. You can enroll in a DevOps course offered by 01 Professional Training Center, a world-class training center in Nepal. You’ll get opportunity to develop industry-leading skills with projects that simulate real-world scenarios and get recruited on the spot.


It won’t be simple, but by adopting this roadmap and guidance, you’ll be one step closer to being the DevOps engineer you’ve always craved. Best wishes for your DevOps adventure!

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